The Mangal (Mars) Yagya is dedicated to the planet Mars, which represents land, property, younger siblings, the police, and energy. Mars is known as the God of War and rules Aries. This planet embodies action, survival, and passion.
Performing the Mangal Yagya helps eliminate the negative effects of Mars in your horoscope and enhances its positive influence. It can be particularly beneficial for issues like menstrual disorders, gallstones, miscarriages, and conditions related to bone marrow and muscles.
Guru Ji Dr. Raj recommends this Mangal Yagya to help with blood disorders and physical ailments, especially for those undergoing the Dasa or transit of Mars. Many clients in real estate and administration have seen significant benefits from this Yagya. Our skilled Panditas and Acharyas in Dubai conduct this Yagya using Vedic mantras and powerful verses dedicated to Lord Mangal.