What Causes Migraine in Ayurveda?
Several factors can lead to migraines. Ayurveda emphasizes a healthy lifestyle to prevent physical issues. Here are some causes of migraines:
- Eating polluted or unhealthy food
- Experiencing anger, jealousy, grief, and stress
- Indigestion
- Ignoring the urge to go to the bathroom
- Prolonged exposure to sunlight
- Consuming dry, salty, or spicy foods
- Allergies or allergic reactions
- Smoking or exposure to smoke
- Tension headaches
- Certain medications, like sleeping pills
- Hormonal changes, such as premenstrual symptoms
Migraine Origin in Ayurveda
According to Ayurveda, an important cause of migraines is an imbalance of Pitta Dosha. When Pitta accumulates excessively, it can block the flow of Vata Dosha in the brain, leading to throbbing pain. Sooryavarta occurs when Pitta is at its highest during the afternoon.
Symptoms of Migraine
Common symptoms include:
- Throbbing pain that worsens with physical activity
- Nausea
- Increased sensitivity to light, usually on one side
- Sweating, stomach ache, and diarrhea
Ayurvedic Therapies for Migraine
Several Ayurvedic treatments can help manage migraines. Some effective remedies include:
- Shirolepa: A herbal paste applied to the head to reduce Pitta Dosha.
- Shiro Dhara: A therapy that involves pouring a thin stream of liquid over the forehead.
- Tail Dhara: Using oils like Ksheerbala oil or Chandanadi taila.
- Kavara Graham: Oil pulling with Mahanarayana taila and Chandanadi taila.
- Sneha Nyasa: Instilling medicated oils in the nostrils.
Ayurvedic Tablets for Migraine
Some useful Ayurvedic remedies for migraines are:
- Pathyadi Kadha: Helps with headaches, earaches, and pain in the temporal region.
- Bhoonimbadi Khadha: Useful for fever, cold, sinusitis, and headaches.
- Godanti Bhasma: Taking 250 mg of this medicine twice can provide relief from migraines within 20 to 30 minutes.
Pranayama and Migraine
In some cases, holding the breath during Pranayama may worsen migraine symptoms.
Migraine in Women
Migraines are often seen in women nearing menopause or older women. They can be challenging health issues, especially in urban areas and among people with unhealthy lifestyles. Genetics and poor eating habits, like junk food and irregular meals, can also contribute to migraines.
To achieve a complete cure for migraines, consider consulting Guru Ji Dr. Raj, a renowned astrologer and Ayurvedic practitioner based in Dubai. He uses both astrological insights and Ayurvedic treatments to address migraines effectively.